Medical Records


Medical Records


Looking for your report? Try our patient portal! Click below.

*See upcoming appointments, your completed reports, and account/billing information.
**You will need your login information. If you need help with this, email us at


Need a CD or printed reports?

Do you need a CD or reports from your exam done at Bright Light? If you would like to stop by any of our offices,  

during regular business hours we would be happy to make you a CD and print your report free of charge. 


If you prefer to request it ahead of time to have it ready for you to pick up, or if you would like the records mailed 

to you, fill out the form at the link below! (There is a small fee associated with these services. Please pay online

after filling out this online form.)


Request a CD of your Imaging Exam


Injury Cases Records Requests:

(Auto, Workers Comp, Personal Injury)

Injury Cases (Workers Comp, Auto, Personal Injury)